Saturday, July 14, 2012

U.S. Stay Out of Syria

U.S. Stay  Out of Syria
JC Sullivan

Syria is in the Russian “sphere of influence.” That means they’ve been allies for a long time. Say what you want about the Russian Communist government or the current Syrian  government but we are in danger of starting a bigger fight. Is this something the current administration wants?

Both U.S. and Russian families have suffered from the attacks of Islamist terrorists yet we continue to aggravate the situation by sticking our nose out and claiming to support the opposition.  Those attacking the  Syrian government current freely travel between Algeria, Tunisia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Egypt. Like the paid “Occupiers” in the U.S. , they can be shuttled to where the cameras will show the world how the thousands in the streets represent the people. Do the media in these nations spin the video of the “Occupy Movement” by portraying it as if a majority of American people are in favor of it?

American media is spinning the Syrian story as if the whole thing is a popular uprising and the current Syrian government is the bad guy in all this. I say the Islamist terrorists are the bad guys.
Europe didn’t deal with Adolph Hitler when they had the chance.  As a result, the U.S. was drawn into the war when we shook hands with the devil by allying ourselves with Communist Russia.

Let  the Syrians and Russians deal with the problem and stay the hell out of it.

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