Saturday, July 21, 2012


Aurora, CO.  Mr. Holmes has accomplished what he set out to do - gain worldwide notoriety.

He has killed twelve people and wounded many. His name and picture are splashed over all the world's print and electronic media, just what he wanted.

I am not watching the news stories about this creep and refuse to indulge myself in the aftermath - 24 hours of horror in my face.

What happened is horrible. But it happened.  Russian communists killed millions. It happened. World Wars One and Two killed millions. It happened. Japanese soldiers killed millions of Chinese during WWII. It happened. In Ohio a young girl overturned an All Terrain Vehicle on her family's property and drowned. It happened.

Bad things will continue to happen. I believe violence in mankind is the natural state, the "jungle" state from which we all have evolved from, and continue to evolve from. The concept of Peace and the concept of Love are are unnatural states , conceived from the spiritual realm. It's what we attempt to achieve and what we pray for... and what mankind will eventually overcome.

In the process we must live in between horrific events. And, like losing a loved one, we know we will eventually lose other loved ones and continue to witness horrific events. It should make us appreciate and love one another more fully. 

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