Monday, September 22, 2008

Muslims in America


JC Sullivan

I just read that 100 employees of JBS Swift & Co meat packers, Grand Island, Nebraska, were recently fired. According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer on 09/22/08,
"The firings occurred after the Somali Muslims observed Ramadan prayers at sunset while still at work." What's wrong with this picture?

I have questions. What the hell are Somali Muslims doing in Nebraska? Shouldn't they be in Somalia? Why are Americans not working there? What policies of the US Government have permitted this to occur? Folks, it's outta control.

Answers, please.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Confession of One Who Discriminates

Ah yes, I do it everyday. In my choice of music, television shows, coffee, wine, food and, yes, even in whom I vote for.

If I don't like your politics, I discriminate by voting against you.
If I don't like you personally, for whatever reason, I vote against you.
If I don't like you personally, I do not choose to have you as a friend.
If I don't like you because you're a man, I vote against you.
If I don't like you because you're a woman, I vote against you.
If I don't like you because you're Protestant, Jewish, Catholic, Agnostic, Australian, black, or whatever, rightly or wrongly, IT'S MY RIGHT!

So, is there something wrong with discriminating?

VERB: Inflected forms: dis·crim·i·nat·ed, dis·crim·i·nat·ing, dis·crim·i·nates

INTRANSITIVE VERB: 1a. To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available. b. To make sensible decisions; judge wisely. 2. To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice: was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies.
TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To perceive the distinguishing features of; recognize as distinct: discriminate right from wrong. 2. To distinguish by noting differences; differentiate: unable to discriminate colors. 3. To make or constitute a distinction in or between: methods that discriminate science from pseudoscience.
ETYMOLOGY: Latin discrminre, discrmint-, from discrmen, discrmin-, distinction. See krei- in Appendix I.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Any civilian death in a war zone is unfortunate. American and international media, however, seem to forget that when we target enemy combatants they might just have their families with them.

Enemy combatants should realize that if they are picking up arms against us they shouldn't expect to be able to safely hide amongst their family and friends. Let's see now.....did they distinguish between women and children when the knocked down the twin towers?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Domino Theory

Youngsters today don't know what dominos are. Those of us old enough to remember them know that when you stood them up in a line and then knocked one down, the rest were then knocked down.

In the Americas we saw Nicaragua go the route of communism. Now, a man with a pocketful of oil money, is in power in Venezuela. He has invited the Russians to establish a presence there.

Regardless of what is said of the "Cold War", it has never really ended. They have only repositioned themselves while they tried to figure out what happened to the old Soviet Union. The fact is, they're forming a new one - in the Americas.

If we apply the domino theory we can expect the nations of Brazil, Columbia and, yes, Mexico, to become Soviet satellites. What does that translate to?

If anyone remembers allied involvement in Korea and Vietnam they will know that the Russians supplied arms to dissatisfied people to overtake government. Those arms killed, and continue to kill, America's best.

We have been too quick to jump into the fray while neglecting our own yard. Our allies have not stood up to help with money and other measures of support. Oh yes, they've been only too glad to take it. What happens when we don't have it anymore to give to them? We're fast arriving at that gate.

Chasing wealth out of America - the problem of government.

Writing in The American Spectator, Pete Ferrara has detailed the Left's tax plan under Barack Obama. The following website is an eye-opener.

What most Americans don't care to know is these policies only serve to chase capital (uh, like money) out of investment in America and off to other shores. It's popular to blame the Bush Administration. Or China. Or who ever else. How about we blame ourselves?

During World War II we were the richest nation on the face of the earth. Why? Because investors world wide trusted us. We were stable and strong. Their money was safe from invaders and from their mistrusted, unstable governments or the governments of neighboring nations who had a history of invasion. They knew government was the problem, not the solution. That truism still exists.

American media has become infiltrated by those who support the views of the Left. Not good for free enterprise and nations who support the concept of freedom.