Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Chasing wealth out of America - the problem of government.

Writing in The American Spectator, Pete Ferrara has detailed the Left's tax plan under Barack Obama. The following website is an eye-opener.


What most Americans don't care to know is these policies only serve to chase capital (uh, like money) out of investment in America and off to other shores. It's popular to blame the Bush Administration. Or China. Or who ever else. How about we blame ourselves?

During World War II we were the richest nation on the face of the earth. Why? Because investors world wide trusted us. We were stable and strong. Their money was safe from invaders and from their mistrusted, unstable governments or the governments of neighboring nations who had a history of invasion. They knew government was the problem, not the solution. That truism still exists.

American media has become infiltrated by those who support the views of the Left. Not good for free enterprise and nations who support the concept of freedom.

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