Tuesday, July 17, 2012


                                                        JC Sullivan ©

For as long as I can remember I’ve paid attention to the world of politicians. As I approach the beginning of  another decade of my life, the politics of black America draws more and more of it.

According to answers.yahoo.com, blacks make up only an estimated 13.4%  of the U.S. population. Metropolitan Chicago has more than 1 ½ million. So, why then is their vote important?  If you stitch it together with the votes of anti- (fill in the blanks here) conservatives, will they be able to put their man back into the White House and  retain the power they currently enjoy?

Much attention is being paid to unemployed blacks. I opine the reason they are unemployed is rather easily discerned. 70% of black babies in America are born out of wedlock. That figure was 25% in 1965. From what my simple mind can determine it means there is no responsible male in the lives of these children and their mothers. There is lack of proper discipline and support for the children and their mothers.

That doesn’t mean that single mothers are incapable of raising good children. There are many examples of black women who have and do. But the figures speak for themselves. And the welfare state that the Great Society created increases with this continued state of American blackness.  Most recently we’ve all seen or heard the the black voices in the commercial encouraging people to apply for food stamps.

 There are some blacks I don’t respect. I’ll use the word “hate” in a casual  intent. For example, I can hate your behaviour and/or your politics without really hating you. I can hate your hairstyle, the shoes you wear, etc. Get it? And it’s in that context that I’ve titled this piece.

I hate the black Americans who kill each other every weekend. I hate those who booed Mitt Romney at the 2012 NAACP Convention. I hate those men and women who don’t accept responsibility for the life they create.  I hate those black American leaders who refuses to acknowledge the majority of the problems in their community is of their own making.

I also hate the white Americans who fit into the categories above.

1 comment:

Len J. said...

Good. I hate that type no matter the color of their skin.