Thursday, February 02, 2012

"Occupy...." fill in the blanks

I'm watching the crowds of people in places like Seattle, Syria, Egypt and not making any distinctions between. Now, tell me something.

Do the folks watching TV in those nations who see the violence of the "occupiers" here believe that America is on fire and ALL our citizens want a 'regime change' here?

On the other hand, do we here in America see the folks rioting in the streets over there believe the average working people there want 'regime change?'

Add our so-called credibility in the guise of the Department of State going to the United Nations and calling for 'regime change' in Syria, just like we did for Egypt.

Dare I say we're being fooled by our own government in sync with the mainstream media here and agenda of the International and American Left?

Dare I say we are aiding and abetting violence and instability over there?

Fill in the blanks - Egypt, Syria, get the picture.

1 comment:

Marechal Kleber said...

this in the proud tradition of the (until quite recently) mightiest nation with its Luxembourg-size Foreign Policy. what have we wrought in Libya ? Our NGOs destabilized Egypt ? is it likely that the population in all the countries that we wish to help "democratize" are going to be better off soon ? or reach the standard of living of 2 years ago within one generation ? Marx Brothers politics.