Monday, February 13, 2012


There was a time when the United Nations was a legitimate entity for world peace. They sent an international force of NATO nations to Korea. The U.S. was part of that force. NATO forces had 500,000 casualties. North Korea and its allies lost an estimated 1.6 million. Civilian casualties were in the millions. The United States suffered 33,746 dead.

In recent years, however, the entity has become politicized. What I mean is they don't necessarily do the right thing anymore. Small nations represented there vote in their own best interests, which are not necessarily those of the U.S.

Now another legitimate-sounding entity called "The Arab League" is calling for the U.N. to create a joint peacekeeping force to knock President Assad of Syria out of power. The problem I have is I don't believe any of 'em.

The so-called citizens that are being killed there probably are fighters sent from Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt et al. Syrian security forces are attempting to support the current government. U.S. major media would have us believe that President Assad is the bad guy here.

Does anybody really believe a democratic republic would be installed in place of Prsident Assad's regime? Anybody remember the Shah of Iran? He was our friend until Social Progressive Jimmy Carter became President. Iran was a stable nation till that happened.

Syria hasn't been what the U.S. would call a friend. But the nation has been stable up to this time. And they have the backing of China and Russia. Hello!

If you care to look ahead, what do you think will happen if other relatively stable nations in the region go the way of Iran. Saudi Arabia? Israel?

We would be drawn into it because of our allies there.

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