Wednesday, September 29, 2010


No, I'm not talking Monday Night Football. I'm talking s-t-r-i-k-e-s, work stoppages and violent demonstrations. Europe gets these crowds out in a flash. Even without Conservatives re-taking control again in the U.S., we're beginning to see it here.

Remember when Barack Obama went to Germany post-election? They turned out by the thousands to cheer him. I saw it for what it was - a Leftist media show. Now, when European government fiscal conservatives are attempting to cut spending and balance the books, what are we seeing? That's right - the Leftist media show making their usual noises.....and the cameras of the world are right there.

I've been hearing more lately about the entitlements Europeans have come to expect from their governments. Those countries are entitlement economies. President Sarkozy of France is attempting to make Frenchmen work two more years before they are eligible to retire (from 60 to 62). You have seen their reaction, right? Taking to the streets for the cameras and selective strikes to shut down various parts of their nation.

This week we now have seen Greece and Belgium's Leftists taking to the cameras, I mean the streets. Who's next? Looks like American union members are feeling sympathy pains.

Now the Service Employees International Union's members will converge at the U.S. Capitol. Will all their shouting and sign-waving make a difference in this upcoming election? Why are they sympathetic? Dare I opine American taxpayer money?

Union leadership across the board are SELFISH. Their interests are self-serving. To hell with average American people. They don't want an independent economy - they want to be in control of the money printing presses. It's also called POWER. Verstehe?

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