Thursday, April 30, 2009

We're being had America

April 30, 2009

I read car bombs killed 48 people in Baghdad neighborhoods.
I read that Pakistan has regained control of a town the Taliban held.
I read President Obama wants millions more to train and equipment Pakistan's Army.

Where's that money going to end up? Will it disappear, like other money we give to other governments that becomes untraceable? Are we now going to have more Moslems owning more of America? Don't they already have the gas stations, beverage stores, motels and what else?

Do they come here because they want to be American? For liberty? No, they come because they have pocketfuls of American greenbacks, printed courtesy of Uncle Sam, to be paid for by what's left of the fast-dwindling pool of America's taxpayers.

Back in the 60s, a Marine Corporal in Vietnam wrote that he couldn't tell the cowboys from the indians, a reference to old movies where cowboys were good guys and indians were bad guys. He was killed there.

Our foreign policy of giving away American wealth is phony, part of the Big Lie.
I'm done believing in Democrats and Republicans and the White House. If people want liberty they have to fight for it. And that includes us. They only problem is Americans don't know who to fight - they can't tell the cowboys from the indians.

Friday, April 24, 2009


April 23, 2009

Are you as tired as I am of hearing about homosexuals and racists?

Where is it written that the issue of what one does behind closed doors is anybody's business? Get outta my face! Why has it been politicized? Are there THAT many of 'em to put the Democratic Left over the top in elections?

You can call it same sex marriage but it's not marriage, only an attempt by the Left to legitimize them. As my friend Padraic says, "The state can say it's right but that don't make it right!"

Diversity? The pc word for giving the hiring heads up to minorities (including homosexuals?)and women. Need I remind readers that my mother, sisters, wife and daughters are women? Say it ain't so Joe.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Report Links CIA to Military Harsh Interrogations

April, 2009

A Senate report this week is seeking to strengthen policies of the leftist Obama Administration. As reported by Fox News, the "harsh interrogation techniques" used by the Bush Administration "directly links the CIA's interrogation program to the military's use of aggressive tactics."

There was a time when matters were not out of control, as they are today. We are seeing continued and successful attempts to discredit the CIA. Now the target of the Left has been expanded. They are infiltrating our National Security Agency. The wolf is in the hen house.

There has already been enormous damage done by the Obama administration, which will will continue. Hopefully we can endure this for only four years and return common sense to the White House and Congress by convincing his supporters of the danger they are.

Didn't you see it coming America?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Envy - A Capital Sin

There were, in my 5th grade class at Cleveland's St. Vincent DePaul Grade School, the brothers Lembach. Twins Robert and Richard were the kind of guys who could crayon colorfully and masterfully. Girls could always crayon and stay within the lines. Boys couldn't. The twins were the exception. Their work was always posted in the classroom for all to admire....except me. I was envious of their talent.

At the end of our school year, everyone whose work was posted, the brothers included, had the option of taking their art home or leaving it for someone else to dispose of. That someone else was me.

I snagged what I judged to be the best of the Lembachs' work. He had written his name in the upper left-hand corner. It was a simple matter of fixing - I just tore it off and took it home to proudly show off my work. Dad took one look at the torn corner and said, "What was here? Somebody else's name?"

I was only reminded of this story when I learned of my three year old grandson's talent. Liam, can crayon within the lines.

I'm jealous.

$1.1 billion for Americorps

According to Fox News, "The White House said Monday that the president "will call on people across the country to serve their communities and work together to tackle the nation's tough challenges.

Congress passed the bill last month with largely bipartisan support and Obama is seeking $1.1 billion to fund it next year. Some Republicans complain it is too costly and is an unnecessary intrusion by government into something Americans already do eagerly and in great numbers — helping their neighbors and communities.

The legislation provides for gradually increasing the size of AmeriCorps to 250,000 enrollees from its current 75,000. It outlines five broad categories where people can direct their service: helping the poor, improving education, encouraging energy efficiency, strengthening access to health care and assisting veterans."

Now they've got this writer wondering - will they force federal contractors to use these folks in the PLAs? For those who haven't read about it, PLAs are Project Labor Agreements, which give women, homosexuals and minorities preference in hiring over white men.

Didn't you see it coming America?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"And here it comes....."

We're gonna win this drug war if it takes every last buck out of American taxpayer pockets.

President Barack Obama is continuing the use fight against drugs in America. Thre will be hundreds of additional "agents" sent to the border with their gear and drug-sniffing dogs. "If the steps that we've taken do not get the job done," he said, "then we will do more." Yeah, more money to Mexicans. And more money to the Obama administration employees that will be homosexuals, minorities and women.

Our Secretary of State Clinton says the "more" will come in the form of direct aid. They will "seek" $80 million to "help" Mexico buy Blackhawk helicopters. Add to that $80 million the $1.3 billion President Bush already pledged to provide aircraft and equipment over the next three years.

When the build the Blackhawk helicopters will the Obama administration demand PLAs (Project Labor Agreements) be enforced? That would mean that minorities (which we can presume will include homosexuals), women and illegals, will be given hiring preferences over American-born men?

Like Afghanistan and Iraq, this direct aid money will disappear into the pockets ofcorrupt Mexican and American officials. And the drug war, like money for education, will take all you are forced to give without any real change.

Where's the conservative leadership in America? Where's the separation of powers?

Didn't you see it coming America?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Domino Theory in Action

April 18, 2009

President Obama, following a road who's destination is socialism, is engaging in a "new aproach" with Cuba and other communist nations in this hemisphere. South America proves the Domino Theory is active and working.

For those readers who don't know, it is the theory that when one democratic republic is taken over by communists, the duly-elected governments of neighboring nations fall. Ask the mayors of Venezuela's major cities why they're in hiding from "Benito" Chavez.

President Obama wants Cuba to release scores of "political prisoners." I'm all for releasing "political prisoners" anywhere but keep 'em in your own country Cuba. Remember the infamous "Mariel Boat Lift"? Cuba emptied their jails and insane asylums and we, like the fools we are, accepted 100% of 'em.

When Ellis Island was in operation we quarantined criminal types, crazies and those with infectious diseases. We didn't let EVERYBODY in. It's time to re-institute that policy here in the 21st century.

I'm laboring under the impression there is a separation of powers in the U.S. If so, where is the conservative leadership in Congress and the Judiciary that is challenging the rampant path to economic ruin?

Didn't you see it coming America?

Friday, April 17, 2009


Speaking from a meeting that "Bonito Mussolini" Chavez hosted in Venezuela, Cuba's Raul Castro said: "We have sent word to the U.S. government in private and in public that we are willing to discuss everything — human rights, freedom of the press, political prisoners, everything."

What this means, of course, is they looking for American money. Didn't Russia dump financial support of this little communist nation years ago? If Chavez loves Cuba so much, let him send Venezulean money to them.

Will President Obama emerge from these meetings with a continued focus OUTSIDE OF OUR BORDERS? Stay home Mr. President, and pay attention to the real problems in America, like halting the fleeing of capital.

It has been private enterprise that made America great. Jobs are created by capital. Socialism hasn't worked anywhere it has raised its ugly multi-headed being.

Didn't you see it coming America?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama Visit to Mexico Signals Support in Drug War.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon welcomes increased U.S. border security and even U.S. training for Mexico's navy against violent drug trafficking gangs.

Of course they welcome it. Don't we all welcome free stuff we don't have to pay for? Let's see now, what could be on the shopping list that American taxpayers will fork over.....ships, submarines, oh yes, and let's not forget paying their salaries.

Didn't you see it coming America?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Millions of Somalis

Ah yes, we can see it coming. The Obama Administration will, acting under a President Executive Order, bring a million Somalis into the U.S. in what will be determined to be a Emergency Humanitarian Act. This will cut piracy in the area as there will then be less poor people there.

In a related action, those who are left in Somalia, including those who have emigrated there from other African nations, will be awarded a million U.S. dollars in reparations for the three Somali killed by the U.S. Navy, who acted under Pentagon orders rather than White House orders. The Navy refused to use water hoses against the "Pirates" as the White House had ordered. As a result of these Presidential Executive Orders there will no longer be any pirates in the area.

In a related action, Somalis who are sent to the U.S. will each be given 1 million bucks too so they can buy, staff and repair the American Interstate Highway System and any other toll roads, like the Ohio Turnpike. They must adhere to PLAs (Project Labor Agreements) while doing so.

PLAs require contractors to negotiate with union officials and abide by collective bargaining, despite the fact that 84% of US construction workers do not belong to labor unions.

Tyranny of the Minority

During his first 100 days President Obama has lost no time in making moves to "help workers". Union officials say this will require federal contractors to offer jobs to current workers when contracts change and will not make it difficult for federal contractors to discourage union activities.

President Obama's 4th union-friendly Executive Order has encouraged federal agencies to have construction contractors and their subs enter Project Labor Agreements (PLAs). They require contractors to negotiate with union officials and abide by collective bargaining, despite the fact that 84% of US construction workers do not belong to labor unions.

For more on the socialization of the United States go to, to tell you what they're up to. Only one thing though, I wouldn't share my thoughts with them as they suggest. Let 'em muddle around until we can get them outta Washington permanently.

"Don't Tread on Me"

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cleveland's Hibernian Guards - Co. B, 8th OVI

An Irishman in the American Civil War

By JC Sullivan

James K. O'Reilly was returning from Sunday Mass at Cleveland's St. Edward Church on Woodland Avenue when news posters announced the assault on Ft. Sumter, South Carolina. America's Civil War began on that April day. O'Reilly, born in
County Cork in 1838 came to Cleveland in 1858 via New York City. He and his Irish friends James Butler and Thomas Francis Galwey were anxious to join Union forces before the fight was over. They hurried to the armory of the Hibernian Guards and enlisted for three months, officially becoming Co. B, 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. When it was all over, almost five years later, the 8th Ohio would have 97 men present for muster-out out of a total 990 that began the unit.

The honorable Kenneth R. Callahan, most recently a Common Pleas Court Judge in Cuyahoga County, is a direct descendent of Captain O'Reilly, his maternal great-grandfather. He honors the spirit of his colorful and gallant forebear by insuring Americans don't forget the deeds and valor of the 8th Ohio, a unit that fought fiercely in most of the major battles of the Potomac Army. He also wants to insure that history accurately reflects the role they played in turning the famous 'Pickett's Charge' at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in July of 1863.

By June, General Robert E. Lee's rag-tag forces had moved into the farmlands of Pennsylvania, rich in the much-needed resources of food, material and steed. The march to Gettysburg was brutally hot. Unlike modern armies, neither side at Gettysburg had winter and summer uniforms - only heavy wool. Some were lucky to have shoes. During the march it was frightfully hot. O'Reilly suffered sunstroke and went by horse-drawn ambulance to Gettysburg. "When he found out the 8th was positioned outside the Emmitsburg Road," said Callahan, "He left the hospital and ran out and joined the company there."

O'Reilly, deathly ill, arrived at Gettysburg on July 3rd, after the first day of battle. Colonel Samuel Springs Carroll (of the Maryland Carrolls) ordered the Hibernians immediately into a cornfield between the Union lines on Cemetery Ridge and Confederate lines on Seminary Ridge, with orders were to push rebel sharpshooters back. With this advanced picket line established, O'Reilly's
Hibernians spent the night there while the rest of the brigade was pulled out by General Hancock to support other areas. Confederate sharpshooters reminded them of their closeness throughout the evening by shooting at them.

On the morning of the 4th, General Lee, believing the center of the Union line to be weakened, opened up his attack with a two-hour artillery barrage. "Nothing more terrific than this story of artillery can be imagined," said Colonel Franklyn Sawyer. "The missiles of both armies passed over our heads. The roar of the guns was deafening, the air was soon clouded with smoke, and the shrieks and the startling crack of the exploding shells above, a round and in our midst; the blowing up of our caissons in our rear; the driving through the air of the fence rails, posts and limbs of trees; the groans of dying men, the neighing of frantic and wounded horses, created a scene of absolute horror."

General Lee followed this up by sending fifteen thousand gray backs into the fray. The 15O - 18O men of the 8th Ohio poured rifle fire into the left flank of James J. Pettigrew's division. "They moved up splendidly," Sawyer wrote, "deploying into column as they crossed the long, sloping interval between us and their base. At first it looked like they would sweep our position, but as they advanced, their direction lay to our left."

"A moan went up from the battlefield distinctly to be heard amid the storm of battle," related survivor
Galwey. The surprised Southerners, led by gallant officers on horseback, broke and retreated. "...the first sign of faltering came from Colonel J.M. Brockenbrough's brigade of Virginians who, under Pettigrew, were stationed in the extreme left of the advance, that is, directly in front of the 8th Ohio," Callahan related.

With Sawyer admitting their 'blood was up', he then turned his men ninety degrees and fired into the flank of Joseph Davis' brigade. When Union commanders saw this development, they sent reinforcements down to turn the attack. The 8th advanced, cutting off three regiments, capturing their colors and many soldiers. Afterwards, an attempt was made to discharge Colonel Sawyer from the service for
it was believed he was would think that no commander in his right mind would attempt such a maneuver with such a small force.

Later that summer, after the battle of Gettysburg, the 8th Ohio was sent to New York City for riot duty. When the draft was instituted, provisions were made for purchasing one's way out through the process of buying a substitute. Naturally, many Irish and other immigrants could not afford to do so and objected to the practice.

Karen Sullivan decorates the grave of 8th OVI veteran, KIA, Gettysburg. St. John’s Cemetery, Cleveland.

While there, O'Reilly met his future bride, Susan O'Brien. "The whole thing was a drinking expedition," Callahan said. "Commander Sawyer was telling everybody not to get drunk but about an hour later he was arrested for drunkenness. I think they had a good time in New York City."

In August, 1865, at the war's end, O'Reilly returned to New York City and married Susan O'Brien at St. Stephen's Parish Church. The couple came to Cleveland and resided at 189 Quincy Ave., where they raised seven children. Part of the time he worked for Thomas Jones Sons Monument Co., which was located at E. 28th & Prospect Ave. Because of his disability from his Gettysburg sunstroke, however, he was never able to work for long periods of time. He tried to get a pension the rest of his life in a protracted struggle with the War Department. His widow was finally awarded one thirty years after his death, in 1930. In 1900, after a funeral Mass at St. Edward's Church, O'Reilly was laid to rest in St. John's cemetery, next to the church. His stone, erected by his daughter, says simply, "Captain J.K. O'Reilly."

Callahan met Captain O'Reilly's daughter, Isabelle, in 1952. She blamed her father for the fact that she never married. "She claimed every time somebody came over to see her he pulled them into the parlor and kept them up until midnight telling stories about the Civil War."

Callahan is a graduate of Cleveland's St. Ignatius High School and received his undergraduate degree from Cleveland's John Carroll University. He received his law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Additionally, he studied art, history, anthropology and literature at both Trinity and University Colleges, Dublin. Callahan is a published author and a military historian. He and his spouse Martha are parents of Casey and Eoin.

As of this original writing, The Callahan and O'Reilly families of Cleveland have never been in touch with any surviving O'Reilly family in Cork. Although they know chances are slim to non-existent, they would be delighted to hear from anyone who recognizes a family kinship. As of this writing in July, 2017, this is no longer the case.

The following letter is Comrade Galwey’s tribute to his friend and Captain as printed in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

New York, May 22nd, 1900

Editor of the Sunday Cleveland Plain Dealer


I desire as a comrade officer of the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry to say through the Plain Dealer (sic) a few words upon the military career of the late Captain J.K. O’Reilly, the news of whose recent death at 189 Quincy Street, Cleveland, has just reached us.

During the twenty campaigns and more than sixty engagements in which the 8th Infantry gained its fame in the Civil War, O’Reilly’s influence and example, first among its non-commissioned officers and afterwards among its commissioned officers, contributed greatly to its fighting spirit, conduct and methods. He was fearless and quick-witted in the moment of danger or other emergency.

The two bravest and most brilliant among the many brave and brilliant acts of that regiment were its bayonet charge across the Sunken or Bloody Lane at Antietam at the end of five hours close fighting, and its wheel to the left at Gettysburg, by which it struck the left flank of Pickett’s confederate column, and put it into disorder at that point, at the very moment when the front of that column had crossed the Emmittsburg Road and was shaking its battle flags at the “high water mark of the rebellion.”

In both of those splendid manoeuvres (sic) O’Reilly was very conspicuous, if he was not to some extent the real author of each. He was at first a man of fine physique, and like many others who constantly exposed themselves, escaped almost unharmed by the enemy, but he suffered to the last from a sunstroke that befell him during fearful hot day on the march to Gettysburg, and I understand that this was the chief cause of his death.

Cleveland is not today the quiet little city it was on the 16th of April, 1861, when, in defence of the Union, O’Reilly enlisted as a private in the Hibernian Guards, which became Company B of the 8th Ohio Infantry. But big and bustling as Cleveland has become, it will not, I imagine, forget the honor done to its name in the Civil War by such a man as O’Reilly.


Thos. F. Galwey
15 West 123rd St.,
New York City

Author’s Note: Both Butler and Galwey relocated to New York City. Butler became keeper of General Grant’s Tomb.


GALWEY, THOMAS FRANCIS,The_Valiant_Hours,_Narrative_of_"Captain Brevet,"_an_Irish-American_in_the_Army_of_the_Potomac. Harrisburg PA., Stackpole Co., 1961. Col. William S. Nye, Editor

DOWNES, CAPTAIN THOMAS M.F., Co. B. 8th Ohio Infantry (Reenactment)from_a_speech_to_the_Ancient_Order_of Hibernians,_Boland-Berry
Division, Cleveland, Ohio 1989.

CALLAHAN, KENNETH, conversations, 1993 - 2009.


"GROUP WANTS TO ENSURE STIMULUS SPREAD AMONG RACES, WOMEN" read the headline in the Plain Dealer this week. 50 advocacy organizations (they used to be called communist fronts)want President Obama to issue an executive order that "encourages the hiring and training of all underrepresented racial groups, women and low-income residents, to work on federal construction projects, particularly those financed by the economic stimulus package."

President Obama signed an executive order in February, 2009 that "encourage(s) executive agencies to consider requiring the use of project labor agreements on federal construction projects of $25 million or more. PLAs are collective bargaining agreements with labor unions.

Well, there you have it. All in the name of what is being called "diversity". Let's hope the damage control can be strong enough from elected leaders who have a lick of sense in their heads. The majority of us are being made fools.

Looks to me as if it's unconstitutional. Hope about it Supreme Court?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Does anybody know the actual figure the SEC has fined American businesses over, let's say, the last 20 years? I've noted it over the years and I'm willing to bet it's astronomical.

Anybody wondering why money (capital) has flown the coop? Or don't you see it?


Where was the US Navy with their firehoses?

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Through Sullivan’s Eye, the crux of our economic problems is the fact that business no longer spearheads our economy. Government Inquisition has put their nose in everything, wanting control. It’s the only way Socialism works, at least for awhile. American business isn’t completely guilty, nor are they completely innocent. Greedy buttheads have opened the door to demonization and American media has run with that spin.

Not referenced anywhere are the enormous fines imposed upon American business and industry by our multi-headed serpent, i.e., local, state and federal government. For example, I’ve noted the vast fines imposed on business for years and should’ve been tallying the numbers. The total $ have to be stunning. It would be interesting to actually see them in print, although I doubt if they can be obtained.

One local example is a $17.7 mm judgment against Serpentini Chevrolet, the largest Chevy dealer in Ohio, and 12th largest in the country. If this is the amount they defaulted on, it’s legitimate. But will the 8.3% annual assessment on the unpaid amount really be an incentive for them to pay it back sooner rather than later? It will probably put them under, and put a number of non-union Americans out of work.

Wouldn’t you think that looking over the shoulder of business and warning them of bad practices would have been a better approach? In other words, using a gentle stick rather than a stick-up. Wouldn’t you also think this approach would have benefited ALL Americans rather than the outcome the inquisitions have produced?

Don’t you see it America