Thursday, April 30, 2009

We're being had America

April 30, 2009

I read car bombs killed 48 people in Baghdad neighborhoods.
I read that Pakistan has regained control of a town the Taliban held.
I read President Obama wants millions more to train and equipment Pakistan's Army.

Where's that money going to end up? Will it disappear, like other money we give to other governments that becomes untraceable? Are we now going to have more Moslems owning more of America? Don't they already have the gas stations, beverage stores, motels and what else?

Do they come here because they want to be American? For liberty? No, they come because they have pocketfuls of American greenbacks, printed courtesy of Uncle Sam, to be paid for by what's left of the fast-dwindling pool of America's taxpayers.

Back in the 60s, a Marine Corporal in Vietnam wrote that he couldn't tell the cowboys from the indians, a reference to old movies where cowboys were good guys and indians were bad guys. He was killed there.

Our foreign policy of giving away American wealth is phony, part of the Big Lie.
I'm done believing in Democrats and Republicans and the White House. If people want liberty they have to fight for it. And that includes us. They only problem is Americans don't know who to fight - they can't tell the cowboys from the indians.

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