Thursday, April 02, 2009


Through Sullivan’s Eye, the crux of our economic problems is the fact that business no longer spearheads our economy. Government Inquisition has put their nose in everything, wanting control. It’s the only way Socialism works, at least for awhile. American business isn’t completely guilty, nor are they completely innocent. Greedy buttheads have opened the door to demonization and American media has run with that spin.

Not referenced anywhere are the enormous fines imposed upon American business and industry by our multi-headed serpent, i.e., local, state and federal government. For example, I’ve noted the vast fines imposed on business for years and should’ve been tallying the numbers. The total $ have to be stunning. It would be interesting to actually see them in print, although I doubt if they can be obtained.

One local example is a $17.7 mm judgment against Serpentini Chevrolet, the largest Chevy dealer in Ohio, and 12th largest in the country. If this is the amount they defaulted on, it’s legitimate. But will the 8.3% annual assessment on the unpaid amount really be an incentive for them to pay it back sooner rather than later? It will probably put them under, and put a number of non-union Americans out of work.

Wouldn’t you think that looking over the shoulder of business and warning them of bad practices would have been a better approach? In other words, using a gentle stick rather than a stick-up. Wouldn’t you also think this approach would have benefited ALL Americans rather than the outcome the inquisitions have produced?

Don’t you see it America

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