Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Domino Theory in Action

April 18, 2009

President Obama, following a road who's destination is socialism, is engaging in a "new aproach" with Cuba and other communist nations in this hemisphere. South America proves the Domino Theory is active and working.

For those readers who don't know, it is the theory that when one democratic republic is taken over by communists, the duly-elected governments of neighboring nations fall. Ask the mayors of Venezuela's major cities why they're in hiding from "Benito" Chavez.

President Obama wants Cuba to release scores of "political prisoners." I'm all for releasing "political prisoners" anywhere but keep 'em in your own country Cuba. Remember the infamous "Mariel Boat Lift"? Cuba emptied their jails and insane asylums and we, like the fools we are, accepted 100% of 'em.

When Ellis Island was in operation we quarantined criminal types, crazies and those with infectious diseases. We didn't let EVERYBODY in. It's time to re-institute that policy here in the 21st century.

I'm laboring under the impression there is a separation of powers in the U.S. If so, where is the conservative leadership in Congress and the Judiciary that is challenging the rampant path to economic ruin?

Didn't you see it coming America?

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