Friday, February 01, 2008


I've always been puzzled by the fact that Ohioans can go to West Virginia, Michigan, Canada, New York and elsewhere to gamble, yet Ohio has successfully fought it.

I picked up the Plain Dealer this morning and saw the headline "CAN THIS NUMBERS GAME HELP FIX OHIO'S BUDGET?" State-run Keno, they profess, could raise $73 million smackeroos in a year. This is occurring five months after Ohio outlawed video gambling games in bars and taverns. They stuck it to veteran's clubs too. How can the State of Ohio have their cake and eat it too? Well, here's their fork-tongued, crafted answer.

Governor Strickland opposes casino gambling. State-run Keno is not a casino game, it's a lottery game. Well, thanks for pointing out the difference to me. I thought for a minute there you were trying to take over the gambling trade in Ohio.

This past December Governor Strickland launched another program called "Connect Ohio." According to, Strickland says it "will help expand broadband services across the state by working with local communities and providers to map gaps in access and facilitate local technology planning teams that will encourage adoption of broadband and other technologies."

Does anybody else think this is akin to the attempt by the state to, degree by small degree, eventually control the Internet in Ohio (read $$$), just like the attempt to have state-controlled gambling?

If the Gov. was smart he'd say it's all to benefit Education. That's worked in the past.

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