Sunday, February 10, 2008

American News Media - How to Speak With A Forked Tongue.

A man went berserk in Kirkwood, Missouri this month, killing several people. The dead included police officers and citizens who held political office. A picture in the news showed the killer to be African-American.

I suppose those killed were all white as there was no mention in any reports of their racial background. If they had been black, and the shooter white, American news media would have applied a different standard and certainly would have spun the story in a different fashion, e.g. it would be portrayed as a racial event. And we would see the City Hall protests. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et al would be flown in to give the outcry of injustice a sense of legitimacy in the eyes of the press.

However, because the shooter was black, this story does not further the agenda of the American left.

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