Monday, January 28, 2008

"It's time for....."

Senator Ted Kennedy has spoken his mind in support of his candidate. "It's time for Barack Obama" What gives? Is it "time for" Hilary Clinton because she's a woman? "Time for" Barack Obama because he's an African-American? Time for John McCain because he was in the Hanoi Hilton?
Sorry folks but I don't wear the cape of "time for" and the generalization that it assumes. It insults what's left of my intelligence. If I like a candidate's ideas, and that candidate has no legs, I'll vote for that candidate. If my candidate is female? Black? I'm listening to their ideas and how they would manage the issues I deem to be important to Americans. I'll cast my vote based on this, not because I'm supposed to feel one way or the other.
This crafted appeal to the feelings of the American voter is nothing more than a manipulation. And lots of folks continue to fall for it.

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