Friday, February 01, 2013

Defeating Nazi Terrorism v Islamist Terrorism

The late General George S. Patton said the only way to defeat Nazi terrorism was to kill them.And his Third Army killed plenty of 'em. The same holds true today in the face of Islamist terrorism. And I don't mean oneseys and twoseys by drone.

Why aren't freedom-loving governments nor anyone in Washington taking a public stand on this facing them with force?  "The only way to defeat ...terrorism is to kill them." Enough said? I am led to believe that it is governments that are sponsoring the terrorism. That's why they're not doing anything about killing 'em.

These people know the U.S. isn't going to do anything about it. They'll strike again and again. The concept of the U.N. was a good one. Now it's a farce, a politicized organization of major and mini states pandering for their own selfish motives.

The French recently took action in Mali and are to be congratulated in having the balls to do it. They waited too long however. Actions need to be taken before catastrophes are foisted upon all of us.

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