Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Phony and the Real

One of my financial advisers advised me to invest in municipal bonds as the interest earned is not taxable. When I asked what happens if the municipality goes belly up he said, "They'll just raise taxes." Unfortunately, he's probably right. But as a matter of principle I have not purchased any.

My question is proving to be prophetic as we watch cities in California and elsewhere declaring bankruptcy - just like the Socialist countries of Spain, Greece et al. Communities throughout the U.S. will be following no doubt.

The Great Depression lead to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Perhaps this Great Depression we are living through will lead to the election of an American who cares first about Americans, not the "world community."

Do you remember one of the first things POTUS did when he was elected? He went to Berlin to declare "We" had won." We are finding out who he was referring to. And it wasn't the U.S.

I am proud of my Irish ethnicity and aware of the tribulations and sufferings of my ancestors. But I remain an American first! And my concerns are for this nation first. In November I trust our electorate will see through the phony and embrace the real. 

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