Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Midleton Irish Whiskey story

We were meeting a Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter at Cleveland’s The Harp Irish Pub and Restaurant. Janet Cho was going to do a story on our search for the family of Irish-born Michael Corcoran. He was an Indians Wars infantryman and Medal of Honor recipient. I and my buddy Blaine, a Vietnam medic and full-blown alcoholic, had already located Corcoran’s grave in Calvary Cemetery. We had already begun the process to secure a MOH stone for his resting place and were hoping a story in the Plain Dealer would locate any of Corcoran’s descendants that might still be in the Cleveland area.

Upon entering the The Harp, Blaine bellied up to the bar. “What’s the best Irish whiskey you have?” he blurted.  I saw it coming what was coming next as there behind the bar, nestled upside down in its own special wooden cradle, was a bottle of Midleton Irish Whiskey. The young barmaid replied, “Why, that would be our Midleton sir.”

“How much does a shot cost?”

“It’s $25.00 a shot sir.”

Blaine took a hard gulp. “What’s a shot of your next-best Irish whiskey cost?”

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