Friday, May 11, 2012


Another smokescreen issue in the agenda of the American Left is their attempts to tell us if one is "gay" they have special rights. I, for one, am tired of this nonsense and the rest of the nonsense coming from their mouthpieces, ABC, CBS, NBC and NPR.

In an effort that panders to the political interests of the White House, their efforts are truly transparent. Beginning with VPOTUS, then followed by POTUS, they have announced to the world that they support "gay" marriage.

Without considering the moral issue of these lifestyles for the moment, why one's sexual life is anybody's public business eludes me. It's NOBODY'S business. I don't condone married men and women having affairs. I don't condone the "gay" lifestyle. However, unless another's actions affect me personally, I really don't give a damn about them.

In my younger years it was said that men, for example, who were "gay", had been "queered". Now I suppose, at this writing, that if the American Left is successful in protecting "gays", I won't be able to write anything about them without the threat of being sued on behalf of the Civil Rights of "gays".  And that, is unAmerican!

With that being said, the moral issue of these lifestyles remain, through Sullivan's Eye, paramount. We cannot have American society declaring the "gay" lifestyle to be one that is moral.

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