Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fifty Cents A Day

Have you seen UNICEF's latest? " Only .50 cents a day." We are shown images of children who are in need. They happen to be black children. Doesn't matter what color a child is if they are starving. Hunger knows no political/social boundaries.

I have empathy for the human condition in some matters. Children are innocent. There are no illegitimate children. There ARE, however, illegitimate parents. The U.S. and the world is full of 'em. However, I feel no responsibility for them.

It's unfortunate but just because someone is born doesn't mean we have to accept responsibility for them. Current political/social correctness would have us believe that we do. Sorry but I'm not buying it.

I have a niece who has five children from I don't know how many nameless fathers.  I love her dearly as she is family. I have no responsibility for her situation though. Because of her actions and decisions she is strapped with a life that costs everyone in many, many ways.

Sorry folks but my heartstrings are for the things that I love, not your crazy situations. I am not buying what you're trying to create in my mind with your commercials. Empathy for the children of the world, yes. Paying for them, no. Pay for your own children. You didn't pay for mine.

Cold hearted bastard, ain't I?

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