Monday, June 13, 2011


For some time now, like other Americans, I've been following the reporting of civilian deaths in the oil barrel that is the Middle East. Specifically, the reporting of government forces there killing civilians who are rioting. Our newspapers here in the U.S. have universally taken the attitude,"Bad government, good civilians."

Think about America. Now what are we to do if gangs of people attempt to burn down the White House; or burn down a city; or blow up a neighborhood; or kill Christians? If our security forces responded with force, wouldn't they be "killing civilians"?

I've been reading about gangs of youth around the nation swarming into shopping districts and stores and grabbing and running. Aren't the owners of these businesses, and our own security forces, authorized to protect their property? Well, we can't "kill civilians" now,can we? The funny thing about all that is going on in the cities is IT'S NOT BEING REPORTED! I must ask myself, why?

In Illinois, for example, there was a call to activate the National Guard in Chicago to stop this type of violence. I'm wondering if the Illinois NG. was even in-country.

I guess the question is who's gonna talk about all this and what should be the proper response before it gets out of control?

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