Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm showing my age!

I went to a noon Mass today with two of our granddaughters. I'm thinking of not going again.

In the "old days" it would be inconceivable for a man or woman to show up in church wearing shorts and sandals. Even the lector, who did the first and second readings, was wearing shorts. To top it off, he walked on and off the altar as if he was going to the store. No sign of respect to the tabernacle and being in the house of God; not even a bow of his head. What's next, a priest in shorts and tank top?

Across the aisle was another adult in shorts. He wasn't the only one in church wearing what must be called a "summer 'uniform". Now I accept youngsters in shorts or jeans but adults?

Afterwards I communicated my displeasure to a family member. She said those were the reasons she doesn't go to that church anymore.

Wouldn't you think the parish bulletin would outline a dress code? It should go without saying but when nobody says anything....well, guess what you get.

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