Thursday, March 04, 2010

Have You Heard?

No, not song popularized by the Tokens, the 1960s Doo Wop group. I'm speaking of the four Muslim soldiers who have been discharged from the U.S. Army. Why? For threatening to poison the food in a Fort Bragg Mess Hall. Have you heard about it?

I don't believe any of the state-controlled media, the alphabet networks, have yet to report it. The Army got smart and discharged them. Perhaps they prevented another Fort Hood style massacre.

I've read about the attempts to bring free Internet to communities. Doesn't that sound wonderful?Why, no one in the United States will have to pay for it. Well, at least the some folks won't have to pay. When that happens you won't see any news about incidents at Fort Bragg. It's called getting the door opened a crack and then kicking it wide open. And you know what happens when things are "free" and the government gets a hold of it.

Once the Internet is collectively-owned say good-bye to the blogosphere. If communities own it they have the right to control the content. And if they don't want you to know about it, you won't'. Just like our major TV networks in the U.S.

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