Wednesday, February 03, 2010

African American History Month and the Obama Administration

"Overcoming today's challenges will require the same dedication and sense of urgency that enabled past generations of African Americans to rise above the injustices of their time. That is why my Administration is laying a new foundation for long-term economic growth that helps more than just a privileged few. We are working hard to give small businesses much-needed credit, to slash tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, and to give those same breaks to companies that create jobs here at home. We are also reinvesting in our schools and making college more affordable, because a world class education is our country's best roadmap to prosperity.....Nearly 100 years after the Civil War, African Americans still faced daunting challenges and indignities. Widespread racial prejudice inhibited their opportunities, and institutional discrimination such as black codes and Jim Crow laws denied them full citizenship rights. Despite these seemingly impossible barriers, pioneering African Americans blazed trails for themselves and their children. They became skilled workers and professionals. They purchased land, and a new generation of black entrepreneurs founded banks, educational institutions, newspapers, hospitals, and businesses of all kinds."

The words above have been written in 2010 by the Obama Administration. At first glance those worlds sound as if the little guy is being protected. It is clear to this writer that while those truths about slavery are self-evident, the leftist policies of this administration are designed to favor his own.

If you're buying this crap America, shame on you. If you continue to buy it the ship will continue to go down. It's sinking rapidly and in the next three years this administration will continue to torpedo all that has been good in America. It's taking from your pocket and putting it into someone else's pocket. Remember his words to Joe the Plumber? Remember his words to his Internationalist audience in Berlin?

This administration is not about America - it's about worldwide socialism and those who benefit from it. It's certainly not about American patriots and those who believe in free enterprise, which is what made America prosperous.

If you don't think American exceptionalism is worth saving then continue to do nothing and continue to watch prosperity become a hollow word. The house will come down.

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