Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fort Hood, Texas

Rarely have I ever agreed with Bay Village, Ohio's John O'Neill (Cleveland Plain Dealer 11/10/09 Endless war is taking its toll on U.S. troops). He is right, however, about this nation being in a state of confusion.

If people are throwing rocks at your house, you can visibly see who is throwing them. However, sooner or later, you are going to begin to understand that someone else is providing rocks to the throwers.

The United States has provided "rocks" to Israel for a long time without any apparent moral concern for what was Israel was doing to their neighbors.

Our unqualified support of this vital ally has hindered peace. I don't advocate abandoning Israel's right to exist but something in both America and Israel needs to change.

1 comment:

Prudence said...

Thank you for voicing my concerns also. I believe in Israel's right to exist, but at what cost to the Palestinians.