Monday, November 09, 2009


West Virginia's Senator Jay Rockefeller is proposing the Internet be controlled by the government in the event of an 'emergency'. I expect this Administration will create just such an emergency within the next four years.

We are all seeing Fox News being discriminated against by this Administration. Why? They're the only television network that reports news that the alphabet networks choose not to cover. And therein lies the rub. The Obama White House allows these networks unfettered access to 'spin' their version of events. Fox News stands alone in NOT mouthing the White House line.

Now comes the story of Major Nidal Hasan, the moslem assassin and murderer at Fort Hood, Texas.

General General Casey, Army Chief of Staff, is a political general. He, like the alphabet networks, is spinning the story that the White House wants us to hear. According to them this was not a terrorist action. Huh?

Remember the story in Memphis about the Army private being killed by a radical moslem? Where has that story gone? Buried? Is there a trend here? Are these guys single 'cells'?

Hasan should have received a dishonorable discharge for being "Moslem first, American second."

These stories are just more in the continuing stupidity emanating from Washington, D.C. and our elected officials. They think they're untouchable. The can't be untouchable in a democracy where they are elected and un-elected. That is the case in America....unless a crisis is manufactured and power is seized. Control of the Internet would be a step in that direction.

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