Tuesday, July 07, 2009


We haven't yet seen the end of this saga. While my sympathy goes out to the family and his loved ones, this media circus is being fostered by the major media outlets. If you don't understand it, you don't understand power.

Anytime we see black political operatives show up you know the whole thing is about power - black power. They have what they tout as a black president but it won't stop there....it is never going to stop. It's in your face stuff. Remember, these types of blacks are black first, American second. Not very nice.

If you still don't understand this, go to Richmond, Virginia and visit the boulevard honoring the city's historic heroes of the Confederacy. There you will see a relatively recent addition - Arthur Ashe. Who was he? A black professional tennis player who died of AIDS. Now do you get it?

This is all an example of why I don't vote for blacks. The right blacks I would vote for, but I haven't seen 'em on my ballot yet.

My advice, quit being black and be American.

Signed - American first, Irish always.

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