Monday, May 05, 2008


Cleveland's left wing newspaper, the Plain Dealer, has finally said it - "Democrats fear black backlash if Obama's denied the nomination." Doesn't that have a totally negative connotation - as if he DESERVES the nomination? And what are African-Americans going to do - pull out their gun stash and attack white voters who backed Clinton or McClain?

The problem with the vast majority of American Democratic black voters, as I see it, is their narrow focus. They don't see things in black and white - they see them in black only. And vote black.

Folks, we don't live in a democracy. This is a REPUBLIC - representative government. Popular vote doesn't win elections. And black America forgets there's others who vote. And, judging from the Plain Dealer, we better vote the way black Democrats want us to vote or else.

Senator Obama initially defended his former pastor. When his campaign finally realized that middle America didn't take too kindly to the inflammatory remarks, Obama finally changed his tune. That's what chameleons do. And maybe it's why some of us don't trust him to be President.

Sullivan is an internationally published Irish-America writer residing in northeast Ohio. His website can be visited at

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