Friday, May 23, 2008


It began when John Kennedy was murdered. Up to that time, America was in a positive mode. Since that time, however, American media has fed us with European-style communist propaganda. You know what I mean. On the other hand, depending on your age, maybe you do not.

If you are too young to know, look at old film or newspapers of France. Labor unions led the way, carrying caricatures of their leadership, ridiculing them. It has been exported to America.

Democratic Party leadership, i.e. its Central Committee, with its roots in our working class, has been taken over by leftists. The agenda is straight out of post-WWII Europe.

With the possibility of an American leftist becoming the next American President, it will be business as usual. We will continue to hear how bad America is. The domino-theory will continue to operate with friends being overtaken by kooks. Our American media will ignore it (how about Lebanon, Iran or Venezuela and Nicaragua).

The change has been slow and insidious, culminating with leftist judges changing law in spite of the will of Americans. A court just ruled our military "don't ask, don't tell" policy to be unconstitutional. The door was opened a crack and it's now been kicked open. Those discharged for being homosexual, excuse me, "gay", can now sue the military? Need another recent example?

A federal court just ruled that gay marriages are legitimate. With more leftist judges being appointed by an American leftist President, who knows what other door will be opened a crack, only to be kicked open when we least expect.

Just this week I heard an African-American elected official in Washington attempting to intimidate American oil executives. She could not spit out the words she wanted to, a sad spectacle. She ended up by blurting out "Nationalization", referring to the American oil industry. That's what Venezuela has done,under their leftist leader Chavez.

It is unfortunate that many do not know how it was up until November 1963. They are only going to learn about it through their own initiative.

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