Monday, September 09, 2013

SYIRA - PART TWO. Author is Special Forces Captain U.S. Army (Ret.) David J. Pristash

In Sun Tzu’s Art of War, it is made very clear that knowledge of the enemy’s capabilities, and of your own capabilities, is critical to winning any war; and war is much more a game of chess than that of a boxing match. 
The current situation in Syria is to a large degree the result of the policies instituted by Obama when he first took office in 2009 and went on his world apology tour that began in Egypt. That was quickly followed by policies of getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan as quickly as possible; which are now complete in Iraq and in the final stages in Afghanistan. 
Then we ignored the Green revolution in Iran and the support of the Arab spring in North Africa.  The message of all these actions, or inactions, is very clear and that is --- the United States is in support of removing the strong men ruling any of the Islamic countries in favor of those with strong ties to their religion, especially the Muslim Brotherhood.
Russia and Putin have a somewhat different view of the world as they have probably had more citizens killed by the Islamic fanatics than we have in Chechnya and the various southern boarder areas they have with the Muslims.  Putin would like to see a continuation of the old system of Strong men ruling these countries since their desire for power was greater than their religious faith and that kept some of the heat off the Russians. Syria was a win-win for them since, besides preventing the emergence of a Caliphate, it was a jab at the United States since it was Obama’s policies that started all this change to begin with.
To be blunt, the Russian policy makes more sense than the United States policy mainly because in the United States the political leadership of both parties has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and they have been able to manipulate Washington into doing their bidding, which is not to our betterment.
Making this situation even worse we have the entire leadership of this administration being composed of academics and political neophytes with no understanding of power and the use of power. They only know what the books say is supposed to work but few have ever actually had to do anything, including the current president, prior to taking office.
After five years it’s very clear that Obama’s team has no clue as to what is really going on anywhere as they are solely focused on yesterday’s polls and how to keep their base of power satisfied so they can complete the transformation of the country into the utopian society that they envision.  The rest of the world, is now seeing that the White House is empty and there is no coherent strategy so they are taking advantage of the situation where they can.
This current debacle started when, in late August 2012,  made his comments on the use of chemical weapons. Then, a month later at the UN, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed a bomb with a fuse and a red line and said Iran was getting to the point that something would have to be done.  Although these comments were not technically related, the media jumped on the Red Line and soon it was the policy of the administration in both Iran and Syria. Neither leader denied this so it became de facto policy.  And to be fair, this was being pushed as  something the UN should do since neither leader wanted to do this alone.
But this is international politics not lawn tennis with multiple power centers using Machiavelli’s The Prince, not Robert’s Rules of Order, as the logic in their dealings with other rulers. And therein lays the “Rub” since Obama got to his position without ever having done anything and all those he is dealing with become leaders in their countries because they were good at what they do, not just looking good.  Obama and his academic and Hollywood friends are being played by leaders that actually know what they are doing and that is why this situation is so dangerous.
The logic for doing something or not doing something is being based on having “normal” political leaders in power in the major power centers, i.e. the United States, Russia, China, Great Briton and Germany.  However, Obama is not up to the task of the office he occupies and that could lead to disaster beyond mere reputation. For example; Putin gets Assad to set up a hospital with demolition charges and after the United States sends cruse missiles into hit their targets the Syrians gather up the missile pieces and takes them to the hospital (a women’s or children’s hospital would be best), and then they blow the hospital up during a missile strike and throw the US cruise missile pieces from the previous strike in the ruble.  Then they go in and find the pieces and blame the United States and Obama for what happened.  What do we do if this or something like this is done?   
The logic for doing something is strong but not compelling, especially since the UN is still evaluating the evidence. What Obama should have done right after this use of chemicals occurred was to immediately go to the UN and demand they do something. Then, if they didn’t, well it was on them. And he still had an option to do something but the extra time would have allowed us to at least have a better idea of what actually happened.  As it is, it’s basically out of control and that means the outcome is not predictable.
Sara Palin, Rand Paul and Ted Cruze have it right.  This is not in our national interest; it is a world problem (UN) and not ours to get involved. Push the UN, not our Congress. Ted Cruze also made a very good point; let’s say we get rid of Assad and the rebels get in. What do we do if the Al Qaida or Iranian factions get control of some of the Chemical weapons that Assad has?

David J. Pristash

BBA, EMBA, Graduate GE management program,

Captain US ARMY (Retired), Seven issued patents’
Member Beta Gamma Sigma
Brecksville Ohio 44141

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