Thursday, August 08, 2013

"The Point of the Spear"

Northfield. President Obama appointees Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense and James Winnefeld, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are doing their part to weaken America. In a news story “Hagel Forecasts Massive Cuts to Troop Numbers.” Following orders, they propose to cut the Army “to 380,000 troops, the Marines Corps to 150,000. The Navy would lose three carriers, and the Air Force would begin mothballing its B-52 bomber fleet…”

All this does not bode well for American strength in the eyes of our allies. In what will then remain of the free world we can expect abandonment by former allies. They will then succumb to the forces of our enemies in the non-free world.

In the words of our late President John F. Kennedy, “We have the strongest peacetime Army in the history of our country and one which can meet its responsibilities all around the globe. To make it more mobile; to increase its training and competence; to make it more responsive; to make it better able to fulfill its mission. These are the assignments of the Army. And I believe that a strong Army to be a strong America.

We must continue to meet our responsibilities. We must continue to have a strong country, a strong alliance and a strong free world. And to do that we need a strong Army, which is the point of the spear.”  

Do you think that, today, the U.S. Army and supporting units could accomplish what is demonstrated on the youtube video link below?

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