Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Northfield.  Senator John McCain has sneaked into Syria to speak with the "opposition.'  A proponent for the military-industrial complex, he is now in favor of arming Syria's  "rebels."

The Russian revolution(s) was/were betrayed by the communists, who were organized then, like they are now. John Kerry says the Syrians should be able decide for themselves who should lead them.....just like Russia and China today.

Neither of these men are being honest with us or with themselves. Can you really see a peaceful Syria with  democratically-elected leadership? No, what will happen is armed thugs will take over any such government.....and be executed...just like in Russia, Iran and China. Opposition will not be tolerated.

The Democratic-Left in the U.S. and the well-intentioned and ill-advised  on the Right, like John McCain, are keeping the United States on the road to decay.

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