Monday, June 18, 2012

Spain and Greece - who do they think they are?

OPM - Other peoples money. That's how I'd describe what's going in. One of my financial advisers recommended moving some funds into Municipal Bonds. The interested earned is not taxed. "What if the particular municipality goes belly up ?" I asked. "They'll just raise taxes." Because of the principle behind this mentality I refuse to purchase any of them. Unfortunately, he's probably right.

The socialist countries of Spain and Greece spend and don't give a rat's a..  This is all a blueprint of what's also happening in the United States. Like those in Spain and Greece who are benefitting from government socialist programs, the current American administration doesn't give a damn either. America is being scammed from within and the division of power defined in our Constitution is being ignored by Congress and the candidate whho is in opposition to Mr. Smile.

It's their agenda folks! Do you get it yet? You won't if you form your opinion from  what you hear and see on ABC, NBC or CBS.

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