Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's a guy to do?

If you're the head of a nation, and "civilians" are going crazy in the streets, "Who ya gonna call?" Ghostbusters can't help you in this one.

I don't care for him one way or the other but Syria's President Assad is just such a guy. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't and he's being demonized by POTUS. Suppose for a moment the same thing was happening in the U.S. Would we call out the troops and clean the streets of the demonstrators? Or should we let anarchy reign and the government topple, regardless of what our Constitution says?

That's basically Assad's dilemna. POTUS this week called for United Nations sanctions against Syria 'cause they're shooting "civilians". Yeah, and if demonstrators here were shooting cops and/or National Guardsmen, they, too, would be shooting "civilians". Afterall, they are our fellow citizens, aren't they.

It's hands-off Syria Mr. President. But you're going to do what you want to do anyway, regardless of how the American people feel about it.


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