Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran et al - the Domino Theory

We're witnessing orchestrated "riots" in Egypt and Lebanon, purportedly to change government. The Tunisian President/Prime Minister was recently forced from office, as was a pro-American Prime Minister in Lebanon. The 'rioters' are all young, Muslim men. The United States and our allies will continue to stand idly by while the enemies and freedom and Christianity seize power.

At one time we supported the leadership of Iran. Under President Jimmy Carter, we copped out on the Shah of Iran and thereby created the situation we are faced with today. The irony is the Iranian people, like those in North Korea, are enslaved. The people of Tunisia and Lebanon are next.

Our old CIA was demonized by the leftist American media. In the 'old days' the CIA was an organization that used to keep/put good guys in power. Our safety wasn't threatened by people who

I'm wondering when the people of France, Spain, Saudi Arabia et al will become enslaved, like what happened to Iranians did when we turned our back on our friend the Shah.


Unknown said...

JC, the Tunisian revolution is secular and democratic, rejecting authoritarian rule and with all reports indicated a noticeable absence of organized Muslim leadership or participation.

Kathy Harvey said...

I am not entirely sure where you are going with this piece, and I can only assume that you did not proof read it before posting it.

In relation to your first paragraph, there is no such thing as a riot that is not orchastrated, and on many occassions I have been amongst those whose were orchastrating. I firmly believe in a persons right to engage in civil disobedience. Both Egypt and Tunisia are Muslim countries, but the current riots in both these countries have little to do with Islam, and have much more to do with a population that feels disinfranchised. And I most certainly do not feel that the participants are our "enemies".

I also disagree with your rose coloured view of the CIA choices for world leaders. So of the CIA's better choices were Pinochet, Norega, and last but not least Saddam Hussein. In addition to extremley bad leadership choices they also funded the Iran/Contra affair, as well as the Mujahadeen in Afganistan against the Russsian, thus cementing Talaban control of the region.
The only threat I fear is from the American Right, who feel the need to be the worlds policeman, and are determined to shove their views down other peoples throats. It is America's arrogance that makes her one of the most hated nations in the world.