Sunday, December 07, 2008


It is extremely popular for political writers and elected officials to demonize american business. If one believes Plain Dealer writer Dick Feagler, "Business Leaders Show Ignorance." He, too, demonizes American business. The fault is not entirely theirs however.

If one has followed the path of the fines to our businesses, e.g., EPA and SEC to name a few, the figures number into the hundreds and hundreds of millions. It is as if government entities have the luxury of time to explore us under a microsope. Eureka! We have found an area where we can extract money from them.

Yes, as I said, business leaders have only themselves to blame. But government, through its voracious appetite for extracted money, has forced industry to locate outside of our borders. We are not a place to invest capital. That only leaves a void for government to look for money within the borders. And that ain't much honey.

How does one create an atmosphere for investment? One can begin by looking at the Republic of Ireland where the tax rate for industry is low. Ireland donates money abroad without having to borrow. Contrast this with the tax rate in the British political entity called Northern Ireland and it becomes clear. And we must begin to pay down our national debt.

The incoming Obama administration has only one option. Oh yes, there are others, but they won't have the courage to create an environment for investors, both local and international. The place they want to take us is called socialism.

Profit is now a bad word in America, aided and abetted by government and media. Add the guilty in corporate America to the mix and we're ripe for "change". No, the option they exercise will be to print more money, exactly the same thing that has gotten us to this point. And, at some point, the American dollar will fall. I mean, utterly fail. No socialist government will accept the American dollar. For socialism to "work", every nation's government must be socialistic. Until they are, moral capitalism will be the only entity that creates wealth.

If we don't want wealth, what do we want?

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