Saturday, July 18, 2020

Captain Clement Sulevane, CSA

In reading ‘To Appomattox, Nine April Days, 1865’, I found reference to Captain Clement Sulivane, CSA.

On page 110 -

Captain Clement Sullivan of the Local Brigade was sent by General Ewell to muster his troops, some of the clerks and convalescent soldiers, and to supply them with food and arms.  Sulivane worked all evening herding together all his men, but after hours of maddening effort he had fewer than 200 left from 1200. The battalions melted as fast as he assembled, for heads of departments, packing for flight, called all employees and sent sent them westward with trunks and boxes. The carriages and wagons were gone.

Page 128 -

In the flaming of the bridge, the shouting of the mob and the advance of the enemy, there was such confusion that no one knew which troops were the last to cross the bridge, but Captain Clement Sulivane saw General Kershaw at the rear of his South Carolina troops at about the time General Ewell and Haskell went over.

Kershaw tipped his hat to Suulivane, “All over, he yelled. “Goodbye. Blow her to hell.”

Sulivane watched his men throw lighted lighted faggots on the planks before they fell back.