Tuesday, June 09, 2020


If you spot someone trying to steal your car don’t call 911.
Call your Councilman or Councilwoman.

Saturday, June 06, 2020


I’m wondering just what is mean by it. I was out and about in my community yesterday. I didn’t see or hear anyone shouting anything about hating people who are different than they are. Does it mean they all silently harbor feelings of hate but just don’t show it.

Then I came home and watched the evening news from Washington, New York and other cities. And there I learned about what is being said about “systematic” racism.

It applies to countless young black children who grow up in what are loosely defined as black “homes.” Children who grow into undisciplined adulthood, who would take from you what they can, including your very own life.

It applies to the have nots who want to have, yet are clueless as to what road will get them there. Rather, race-baiters such as Al Sharpton are given a pulpit to express so-called black indignation because we white folks are the problem because we hate them.

It applies to the black culture that we read or hear about each and every weekend, Chicago being only one example. It’s this which prompts white folks to hate the actions of black folks and thereby bad feelings about blacks are created.

It applies to black folks who loot and burn without regard to property and the inherent unemployment that follows such destruction.

It applies to the voices of black leadership not being heard. American mainstream media would rather focus on misplaced headlines and thus encourage rage to be expressed for their cameras, narrative and agenda

Is this what systematic racism is?